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Real Skin Care from nature!

Alim Beatha Lip Balm

Get ready to say goodbye to chapped lips forever with Mabel's Ailm Beatha (A-lim BAH-ah "Pine Life") all-organic moisturizing lip balm! Our 1/2 Oz tin is packed with the power of healing and protection from our in-house made Pine infused oil.


Choose from Lavender, Lemongrass or Eucalyptus/Lemon Essential Oils to leave your lips feeling hydrated and refreshed.


Say hello to divine harmony and purification with every use!


Available in a half ounce tin in Lavender, Lemongrass, or Eucalyptus/Lemon.

Laeknir Sol Body Butter

Get ready to experience the ultimate skin indulgence with Laeknir Sol (Lok-near Soul) Body Butter! This luxurious all-organic whipped moisturizer will leave your skin feeling silky smooth, without any greasy residue. Made with 100% organic ingredients, including Calendula Oil, African Shea Butter, essential oils, and Vitamin E Oil, this product is free from harmful preservatives, pH adjusters, fragrances, emulsifiers, water, or solvents. It's perfect for sensitive skin and can help heal various skin conditions restoring your skin's natural youthful and healthy condition.


The Calendula infused base oil is known for its healing properties and is literally packed with the energy of the sun. Get your hands on this amazing product today!


 Available in Lavender or Lemongrass, 2.5 oz or 7.5 Oz

Laeknir Sol Moisturizer Salve

Get ready to indulge in the ultimate skin experience with Laeknir Sol (Lok-near Soul) Moisturizing Salve! This luxurious all-organic salve will leave your skin feeling silky smooth, without any greasy residue. Packed with all natural Calendula Oil, African Shea Butter, essential oils, and Vitamin E Oil, this salve is free from harmful preservatives, pH adjusters, fragrances, emulsifiers, water, or solvents. It's perfect for sensitive skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, cracked skin and restores your skin to a more natural condition.


The Calendula infused base oil is known for its healing properties and is literally packed with the energy of the sun. Don't miss out on this amazing product, get yours today!


Available in a 2.3 Oz jar in Lavender or Lemongrass.

Pure Journey Body Butter

Get ready to elevate your skincare routine with Pure Journey Body Butter! Our unique blend of natural shea butter, Clove infused coconut oil, and Vitamin E oil provides deep and long-lasting hydration. Not only does it nourish your physical body, but it also uplifts your mind and spirit.


Plus, its antimicrobial properties make it perfect for sensitive or acne-prone skin, soothing and clearing any irritations. Try it now and indulge in the luxurious and healing power of nature!


Available in a 3 Oz or 7.5 Oz Jar

Soar Hydrosol Spray

Get ready to elevate your skincare routine with Soar Hydrosol Toner! This 100% all-natural facial toner is the ultimate addition to your holistic beauty regimen. Not only does it cleanse and tone your skin, but it also uplifts your spirit and provides protection.


Its antibacterial properties make it perfect for acne-prone skin, promoting a healthy glow. With regular use, your skin will feel refreshed, hydrated, and rejuvenated. Try Soar Hydrosol Toner today and experience the holistic approach to beauty and well-being!


Available in a 4 Oz or 8 Oz Spray Bottle

We are always working hard to develop new and improve our current skin care products. We will have more products listed here soon!

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