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The story of Mabel's

The Owner

Leah Richard

The Inspiration

Mabel R. Gotcher
The Inspiration

The Motivation

Mary K. Richard
The Motivation

Mabel and her favorite Peonies.

Meet Leah

As far back as I can remember, my mother was a strong believer in natural holistic medicines. A belief that I took to myself although I didn’t know how to incorporate it into my daily life. In 2016, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, which I found out was genetic. I became overwhelmed with the task of figuring out how to get my blood sugar under control. I didn’t and still don’t like the side effects of pharmaceutical options. Then I started remembering all the “home” remedies my grandmother   ascribed to and wondered how accurate or effective they were. With my research I came to realize there is so much value to these “Old” remedies and started studying plants and herbs. I am inspired by my grandmother and motivated by my mother to find ways to treat our bodies with what the universe supplies to us and always has. There’s a purpose to everything on our planet. Here at Mabel's Apothecary, we believe that we need to get back into treating our bodies in a natural and respectful way. Spiritually and Physically.









My grandmother, Mabel, was born in September of 1904 in York County Nebraska. She became a one room schoolteacher at the age of 16 and continued to teach school into the late 1960’s when she retired. She never truly stopped teaching. I have so many memories of her teaching her grandkids handwriting, math, even a little Paleontology and Botany! She was amazing with plants and had large healthy plants and trees all around her home. I often talk about the times I watched her pinch a half of a leaf off and stick it in dirt. It always grew into the most beautiful plants! She truly had a “green thumb”, maybe even a little magic in her touch!






My mother was born in 1941 and grew up a farmer’s daughter in York County, Nebraska. She was a master seamstress and retired, with my dad, to the beautiful Missouri Ozark Mountain area in 1997. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother to all who had the blessing of meeting her. She, unfortunately, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in her later years and lived with me and my family until her passing in 2023. Her disease came with a lot of obstacles and challenges that they have not been able to find reasons or cures for. In the meantime, I tried to give her the natural supplements that helped negate anything that may have an impact on her health or negatively affect her condition. After I started on my herbalism journey to find answers to mine and my mother’s health issues, I realized we were not the only ones and I started Mabel’s Herbal Apothecary Blends in hopes of helping others find a more natural and healthy way to find balance to their health. Although my mom has now passed on, I feel she would approve of my products and be proud of me for finding this passion in my life and sharing with those around me who are searching for a way back to natural living.






Mabel’s products are all 100% organic, handmade products that utilize local and ethically sourced herbal plant matter, organically designed and blended ingredients and well researched for benefit information using peer reviewed scientific research information. There are no artificial fragrances, flavors or preservatives in any of my products and each are reviewed by people locally before they are ever offered to the public.


Meet Mabel

Meet Mary

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